Art is the source of beauty when it comes from the deep of heart . Art is always a great expression of a man or woman to whom we named as an Artist. Here I will produce before you some beautiful works which are done by my daughter Sumedha.


The greatest friend of truth is Time, her greatest enemy is Prejudice, and her constant companion is Humility.” – C C Colton


We think that ours journey towards life are straight, And trouble – free , Not a single stuff and clumsiness might not hinder us from our Fest . But Is it true ? This is a question of general mob who has no backing of power like chief minister’s nephew .

It’s not life where you never you face any deep forest of clouds in your path? Or a dreadful night! Life is a playing field where we play a short term game , May be you have succeeded by your skilled, or not !

Perhaps I couldn’t , but trying utmost in this short span of life, having lost or gain, no shy . If you start your journey towards light , have to cross so many red and black seas , forests and peaks of the mountains , Even long long desert – may it be , “Gobi Sahara”or run of Cocch, the endless desert.

you have to cross a long way to achieve the immortal vibrant light of Gods . May it be a play or Lila? We ought to not what it is ? But each and everyone must play on in Winter or in the dark rainy night with”Him” , Never become wearied and exhausted in this race , As it’s your life’s play.

I have put you in my heart with gourding and fencing, None can reach there except my beloved , No one can able to snatch you from my deep and sensational eyes And heart as I see you in my inner eye like a torch light , When I finished my all fight through the path of dreadful night.

You have gifted me all your love and light , day and night I never miss you as you and me are one . You are my unknown world, silent night , the star of the night and the Sun of the day .

you are my melodies and hymn . I used to draw your picture since time immemorial , you walk through my path in sorrows and Joy , I am wrapped in you , so never fall from the Sky.

আমার এ পথ গেছে বেঁকে তোমার পানে

ক্ষুদ্র এ জীবন , অনিশ্চিত যাত্রা পথ হেসে খেলে ভালবেসে ভরে নাও প্রাণ , হার জিতে হয়ো না বিবশ । গভীর অরণ্য মাঝে শ্বাপদ – সঙ্কুল পথে দিতে হবে পাড়ি, অদম্য শক্তি ও লক্ষ্য পথে অবিচল থেকে যাত্রা কর মুক্তির স্বর্গ – মায়াময় অমরাবতী । শুরু হবে সে খেলা তোমাতে আমাতে , বরষার দিন কিম্বা রৌদ্র-স্নাত শুচি শুভ্র অলস বেলাতে। চোখ মেলে চাও আকাশের পানে , রঙ তুলি দিয়ে কি আঁকো মনেতে ! জীবন যুদ্ধে হয়ো না বিবশ। দিতে হবে পাড়ি ওই দূরে দেখ অমরাবতী ।

আমি তোমার হৃদয় তুলিয়া নিয়েছি আপন করে, দিবস রজনী প্রাণপনে বাঁধি তোমার হৃদয় আমার হৃদয়ে ,নীরবে কাটায় রাতের আঁধারে , বাঁধভাঙা আলো বারবার সাধি , তুমি তোমার হৃদয় তুলিয়া দিয়েছ উজাড় করে । রাত্রি ভোরে।

তুমিই আমার অজানা পৃথিবী নীরব রাতি , রাতের তারা দিনের রবি , বহুকাল ধরে এঁকেছি আমি তোমার ছবি , নয়ন রেখে আমার পানে – পথ হেঁটে যাও গন্ধে ও গানে , চিরকাল তুমি মোর বুকে রবে ও দরদি সাথি ।।

এখানেই আছে স্বর্গ নরক – নহে নহে বহুদূর , ঘুমে জাগরণে অথবা স্বপনে হেসে খেলে যাও পিছে নাহি চাও , দুখে আর সুখে জীবনে মরণে , পাখি হয়ে ওড়ো আকাশে বাতাসে, জোর করে লও প্রাণ মন ভরে হৃদয় সুখ , বাজাও বাঁশরি নিশীথ রাত্রি সময় হয়েছে আলোর যাত্রী – ওই শোনা যায় রিমঝিম সুরে পায়ের নূপুর ।।

সময়ের বুকে ভেসে বেড়ায়

এসো , এসো, চলে এসো আমার পাশে, এই নদীর বুকের উপর ভেসে ভেসে পৌঁছে যাব মহাসঙগমের পথে ! জীবনের যত ক্লান্তি , দুঃখ সুখ – সবকিছু অকাতরে বিসর্জন দিয়ে, হিসাব নিকাশ চুকিয়ে ভেসে যাব কালের সাক্ষী হয়ে অন্যতর মহাজীবনের পাড়ে । এসো, এসো , চলে এসো আমার পাশে, নদীর বুকের উপর ভেসে ভেসে পৌঁছে যাব মহাসঙগমের পথে, চিরতরে।।

ভালবাস , কিম্বা,  নিছক অভিমানে দূরে সরে যাও , রাগে অভিমানে স্তব্ধ হয়ে দাঁড়িয়ে থাক দূর পাহাড়ের বাঁকে , সময় তোমার আমার পাশে আসিবে না চিরকাল , চিরকাল আলো হাতে  আসিবে না চন্দ্র সূর্য ।যদি পেতে চাও শান্তি সুখ , অপার আনন্দ , তবে বরন করিয়া নাও দুখ। এসো, এসো, চলে এসো আমার পাশে, নদীর বুকের উপর ভেসে ভেসে পৌঁছে যাব মহাসঙগমের পথে, চিরতরে ‌।

সময়ের সাথে হেঁটে হেঁটে পৌঁছে যাব মহাসঙগমের পথে ,চিরতরে, পিতামহ প্রপিতামহ যে পথে গেছে । সময়ের অনিবার্য হাতছানি কে এড়াতে পারে ! কিম্বা ভালবাসা, সন্তান সুখ, সহৃদয় বন্ধুদের অন্তরঙ্গ যৌবন উদ্ভাস – আজীবন পাইবে না চিরকাল কোনোকিছু , অর্থ বিত্ত বৈভব , মানসম্মান , প্রেমের নির্যাস । কোনো কিছু চিরকাল রহিবে না এক,  রহিবে না অম্লান প্রয়সীর মুখ ।       এসো এসো চলে এসো আমার পাশে, নদীর বুকের উপর ভেসে ভেসে পৌঁছে যাব মহাসঙগমের পথে, চিরতরে ।।

শহরের পথগুলো ডানে বামে এঁকে বেঁকে নিয়ে যায় রাজপথে , কিম্বা বাঁকানো চাঁদ পূর্ণিমা রাতে আস্ত‌ রূপোলি থালার মত দূর্লভ রূপ নিয়ে সেজে ওঠে রাজকন্যার মতো, তিলোত্তমা হয়ে দাঁড়াবে তোমার পাশে , নিঃশঙ্কোচে পান কর সুধা , অনন্ত প্রেম বুকে নিয়ে জড়িয়ে ধরো। চলে এসো, এসো চলে নক্খত্রের পাশে যদি চাও স্বর্গ সুখ , এসো এসো চলে এসো আমার পাশে, নদীর বুকের উপর ভেসে ভেসে পৌঁছে যাবো মহাসঙগমের পথে, চিরতরে ।।

মাঠ হোক মন্দির

“দেয়ার ইজ এ গড উইথ ইন আস”- ওভিদ

ঠিক কবে থেকে এ মন্দির স্থানীয়রা কেউ জানে না , বহু পুরোনো এর বাইরের চেহারা দেখলে ঠাহর করা যায় , ছোট্ট গর্ভগৃহ , অন্ধকারে ডুবে আছে মাতৃ মূর্তি – ফলে জলে ফুলে ঢাকা , পুরোহিত কে এগিয়ে দিলাম একটা দেশলাই বাক্স , তা জ্বালিয়ে প্রদীপ ধরিয়ে রাখলেন তিনি , এক মূহুর্তের মধ্যে আরও সব সারিবদ্ধ দেবতার মুখ দেখতে পাওয়া গেল; কোনটি ব্রোঞ্জ মূর্তি, কোনটি বা হর্ষিত পাথরের। নির্বাক অবাক করে দেশলাই বাক্সের কাঠিগুলোর দৈর্ঘ্যের মতো দেবতার চেহারা গুলো একবার বেঁচে উঠছে, আবার বিলীন হয়ে যাচ্ছে। কাঠি গুলোও যেন রহস্যময় খিলখিল করে হেসে যাচ্ছে। পুরোহিত যোগাসনে বসে ধ্যানমগ্ন, বিমূঢ় হয়ে জিজ্ঞেস করলাম, ” এগুলো কী ?- উত্তর এলো – অষ্টহাতি দেবতা , প্রার্থনা করো একমনে অভিষ্ট সিদ্ধ হবে !

একটি অবিশ্বাসী দিয়াশলায় কাঠির বাক্স গলা ঝেড়ে কেশে জিজ্ঞেস করল , ” তুমি কি কাঠি গুলো গুনতে সক্ষম? উত্তর এলো, আঠারো ! – প্রতিবাদ করলো সে। – ” এক – ই এক ই রকম । আমি বললাম, হে পুরোহিতের অষ্টহাতি দেবতারা , আর কতদিন এই বদ্ধ গোপন গুপ্ত গৃহের অন্ধকার কোনে পড়ে থাকবে? বেড়িয়ে এসো সূর্যের আলোয়, আলোকিত করো আকাশ বাতাস চরাচরকে , ওই ছেলে মেয়েরা ব্যাট হাতে রাস্তায় খেলছে সৌরভ শচীন বিরাট মিতালী হবার আশায় , – এখন থেকে এরাই হোক এদের ধ্যান জ্ঞান দেবতা , আলোয় আলোয় উদ্ভাসিত করে তুলুক , ভরিয়ে দিক আমাদের এই দেশের সবুজ মাঠ ময়দান গুলোকে , – এখন থেকে এঁরাই হোক এদের দেবতা , – এখন থেকে এই মাঠ ময়দান গুলোকেই বানাক মন্দির। আমাদের রাম শ্যাম রহিম হোক এরাই।।


Tagore’s Bio

From Gitànjàli

The entire Sky is covered with Sun and Stars / The Universe is full of Souls . / Amongst it I have sung my song . For this , astonishingly my heart has been awakened.’. —- Tagore

“Learning Never Exhausts Mind ” – – – Leonardo da Vinci

Nobel Laureate Indian Poet and Writer Rabindranath Tagore was a great personality and statesman of India as well as in the World . He traveled almost all the important places of this country and aboard, Sometimes more than one time . His childhood days spent in captivity with the firm vigilance of the servants. But he had to practice wrestling everyday in the home. A wrestler was appointed to teach them and he practiced it with his co- wrestler . His physique was bold and steady. Even he was a good looking man. What we see in the picture ,it is his old age photo.


Writing works is not easy done . It is to be done for a long time . Rabindranath was early riser . After morning walk , being refreshed he used to start his writing until bath . After getting lunch , he took rest a bit . Then again he starts writing . Sometimes, people, friends ,students came to visit him in the evening. Music, drama was his most favorite . Occasionally, he ,along with his family members and relatives, friends, even students used to engage in rehearsal of any drama which was written by him like Shyama , Chitrangada ,Bisarjan etc. Besides, when he got the responsibility to look after their Zamindari of East Bengal (now Bangladesh), he had to go there. So, a lot of duties he did .
But this celebrated poet led a lonely life and suffered from frequent bouts of depression – he confessed in a letter to his son, Rathindrana Nath Tagore by his father R. N. Tagore.
In a new biography, eminent Historian , Sabyasachi Bhattacharjee says one of his worst spells of depression came in 1914 , a year after he won Noble Prize in literature.

Multi – talented Tagore

It is known to all that Tagore was a multi – talented writer. He died in 1941 for infection in the Kidney after a major operation by Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy ,the erstwhile Chief Minister of Bengal. Throughout his life Rabindranath enriched the Bengali literature. He wrote in all spheres of literature and also other faculties of fine arts . He composed four thousands poems ,above two thousands songs , 100 and above short stories, dramas , novels, essays, more than two thousands paintings and so on.


It is very tragic that he lost his daughters, son ,wife and father when he was only 45 to 50 years old. So it is very unfortunate for him being detached from the dearest and nearest all these family members. Naturally, he became isolated due to tremendous loss of the son and daughters.

As a result, he was not in a good state of mind for some time. Though he overcame this clouds and started his regular works.

According to the biography, he suffered from bouts in depression that time. In January, 1915 Tagore again speaks of a break down, deep depression, but in February he claimed to have been healed in the solitude of the boat he inhabited on the banks of Padma river in Shilaidaha in Bangladesh – says historian Sabyasachi Bhattacharji in his book ” Rabindranath Tagore: An Interpretation “.

Rabindranath Tagore also wrote in his biography “Jibansmriti ” and “Chelebela ” that he struggled with loneliness from childhood.

” I was very lonely – that was the special feature of my childhood – I was very lonely. I saw my father seldom : he was away a great deal . I was kept in charge of the servants of the home after my mother died ,” — Tagore wrote to a confidant.

Biographer quotes Tagore as having written to a friend that he would sometimes ” pass many months absolutely alone without speaking , till my own voice grew thin and weak through lack of use .” The poet’s loneliness was due to ” disappointment with the support he received from his people , especially the Bengali people , a sense of loneliness in has life as an institution in his life as an institution – builder in a society , and a mindset that was hostile , or at best apathetic .

His memorable song ‘ Ekla Chalo Re ‘ ( If They Answer Not To Thy Call , Walk Alone’ ) was written in 1905 , when he has been distracted in depression.


THE GITA is our holy book – the must read book of Hindus . Anyone irrespective of caste creed and religion can read this valuable words of wisdom . The  spiritual seekers can enrich and enlighten their lives with the knowledge of Gita. 
As a book of scripture, the Bhagavadgita has assumed a position of universal interest. Its teachings have gained appreciation not only in India, but far beyond its borders. I think almost all the God – seekers are aware of this book like Bible and Koran. The is oldest amongst them.  

       WHY GITA IS GREAT ?It’s very difficult to explain its greatness and the highest esoteric doctrines in a small piece of writing . It’s the essence of Vedas . It’s language is so sweet and placid that man can easily understand it after a small practice. Actually, if we read this holy book with utmost devotion, we can be enriched with the knowledge of higher thoughts on spiritual upliftment.


 Gita is the guide book of Hindus who are interested in pursuing the spiritual growth in life. Only one book can change your life if you have to achieve the truth. We know that the Truth is God and the God is Truth. In Gita , the truth of life is being delivered by Sri Krishna as it’s said, ” Sri Krishna Ubacha “. The thoughts in Gita are so deep that none can arrive at their end even after constant study throughout a life – time. Everyday they exhibit new facets of Truth , and therefore they remain ever fresh and new . When scrutinized with a concentrated mind , when attentively read between the two lines , possessed of faith and reverence, every verse of the Gita will clearly appear as full of the deepest mystery.   It will be not unjust to say that the manner in which the Gita describes the virtues, glory and secret of God , is hardly found in any other scriptures of the world .


For in any other books , the teachings are generally mixed up , more or less , with worldly subjects , but the Gita uttered by the God Himself is such an incomparable book that not a single word will be found in it , which is devoid of some spiritual import.  To be continued …# ‘ Mandir ‘# ‘ Winds touch me’# ‘Rabi Thakurer Gaan# ‘The Gospel of Swami Vivekananda and Inspired Talks ‘ # Swami Vivekananda and Narada Sutra# Greens Are Not Safe# Kabita And MeRabindranath Tagore an

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  1. DEBASIS NAYAK · November 25Completely agree sir!
    A must read wisdom for all.

His memorable song ‘ Ekla Chalo Re ‘ ( If They Answer Not To Thy Call , Walk Alone’ ) was written in 1905 , when he has been distracted in depression.

” His mind was in turmoil caused not only by the partition of Bengal but also by his failure to gain the attention and support of the mainstream nationalist leaders in the anti – partition, ” – writes Sabbyasachi Bhattacharya .

Let Set Go

Swami Vivekananda in Meditation

We love this earth and it’s true . We are always being trapped , and wrapped with worldly life, Get no space for fresh breathe , Gradually dying into honey and money . But in an one morning , we feel that we won’t to be captivated , We don’t have to get any further wealth, We desire only love of our nearer and dearer one, And touch of fresh air like our mother earth .

We don’t want to cry for power like an emperor , Nor we expect such fabulous welcome like an distinguished one from my

host , Only a tiny room and

some mediocre lunch and tea with breakfast for the day . Have a good bathe ,

and some fellow travelers

to roam distant places of our motherland ; To visit rivers and mountains , The people and their livelihood, Of various cultures ,And to make an hearty friendship, but nonetheless .

Never get chained with our family and friends, Don’t look behind for them .

March on forward for unknown path, Where for a long time , eagerly waiting your father , who is your real friend.

We couldn’t recognise him in the crowded path , Nor we notice him in the idol in temple, But He is omnipresent , and in all,

Seek him in the mass ,

He is the king of the kings,

beggars of the beggars , He is in you and in me, and us, And get friendship with Him for ever , Never forget in fame or in work .

We born for work , not for fame. So only love him,serve him , Sometimes rebuke him, lost him, But finally gain him , It’s all the same . You never enjoy anywhere , Nor even in heaven. Remember, what you see ,which you touch and which you love through your senses – All these are temporal, Don’t be attached with these , Only drive in deep ocean of love,

Otherwise, nothing gain.

Nothing fame for you.


The Poet And Saint

Swami Vivekananda is an Indian monk of Ramakrishna order who preached Hinduism and Indian culture in American society in the last decade of nineteenth century . He was a great philosopher , stupendous orator , and modern thinker of the world. He is the only man from India after Rammohan Roy who tried to unfold the great Indian cultural heritage before the people of the West . To keep it mind , Rabindranath Tagore once told Romain Rolland , “If you want to know India, Read Vivekananda.” Sri Aurovindo’s remarks about Vivekananda is also significant. He told, ” The going forth of Vivekananda, marked out by the Master as the heroic Soul destined to take the World between his two hands and change it, was the first visible sign to the World, that India was awake not only to survive but to conquer. ” Truly , Swami Vivekananda was the maker of modern India. Indian mass was awakened with the name of this great son of the soil.

¶¶ Swami Vivekananda was a great Saint and Philosopher. But we don’t know about another side of his personality ; he was a marvelous poet though he didn’t write more. He composed his poems in English language. Today I gonna to discuss about his poetic feelings in this blog.

¶¶ Swami Vivekananda was not a poet like conventional way . He was a poet like an ancient saint who felt the internal truth of the world through his inner eyes . The poet, in one sense, is the intense truth – seeker of the Universe. In true sense, the poet is also a Saint. He who notice the truth of the life and the world in his stream of consciousness and reveals it through his divine powers of imagination and magical poetic feelings ,actually he is poet . In that sense, Swami Vivekananda is called to be a poet . From Brahma to insects are the alter where almighty God lives . God is everywhere. He who feels it , he is poet . Swami Vivekananda is a poet in that sense. ¶¶ The hymns of Upanishads made a deep attraction to him . From his childhood he loved to recite poems. He read Milton’s “Paradise Lost ” at the very young age. Milton was his favorite poet . He recited the poem’s of Milton. Reading Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Byron , Shelly’s poems and literature was his favorite subjects. Once he wrote about the essence of Upanishads – ‘ There is no poetry marvelous like Upanishad. Even it is found in ‘Sanhita’ of Veda which is poetic. These writers of Veda and Upanishads are great poets . He thought that the internal truth can be had from the poems of this great saints of ancient India. How did he influenced with the hymns of Upanishads and became a poet , I shall extract a song from his collection: ” Lo! The sun is not, nor the comply moon, All light extinct; in the great void of space Floats shadow – like the image – universe.

In the void of mind involute, there floats , The fleeting universe , rises and floats , Sinks again , ceaseless , in the current “I”.

Slowly , slowly, the shadow – multitude. Entered the primal womb , and flowed ceaseless. The only current, the “I am ” , ” I am ” .

Lo ! ‘Tis stopped , ev’n that current flows no more , Void merged into void – beyond speech and mind ! Whose heart understands , he verily does .

¶¶ It was written in Bengali, his mother tongue . and rendered from it . The name of the poem is ” The Hymn Of Samadhi ” . The content of the poem is highly philosophical which he felt during his deep meditation . The poet talk about the state of mind in its inner world when the activities of the external world is absolutely stopped. It is called samadhi in Hindu religion. But it is obviously an incredible poem like mantra having a significant meaning of higher state of the spiritual mind .

¶¶ Swami Vivekananda was a fan of the epic and poetry of modern Bengali poet Mycheal Madhusudan Dutta . He was his ideal poet . Swami Ji was influenced by Upanishads and other ancient scriptures, by The great Poet Kalidas as well as Vaisnab Padabvali and modern English and Bengali poets . The Gita and Panchadoshi was also his favorite literature. ¶¶ He liked most the poetry of Wordsworth. One day in absence of English literature professor, the principal of this college Mr. William Heshty came to the class and discussed about the poem of Wordsworth . This was a poem of super natural phenomenon. In that context Mr . Hesty told that a man has been experienced such feelings who lived in Dakhineswar . Vivekananda, being inspired went there to meet him. This was first historical meeting with Sri Ramakrishna. He was also the poet of the poets .

¶¶ Vivekananda composed only 21 poems both in English and Sanskrit . He wrote a poem in Sanskrit. But his prose is very placid and also poetic. Specially his letters are full of poetic sublimity and rhetoric.

When Swami Vivekananda in the West

¶¶ Swami Vivekananda wrote his first poem in America before Chicago Religious Conference . He was then a unfamiliar monk . ‘O’r hill and dale and mountain range’ is his first poem (1893). Merry Luis Bark , The Western researcher of Swami Vivekananda, discovered this poem and published it in her book “Swami Vivekananda and the West: New Discovery “. Another researcher of Swami Vivekananda ,professor Shankari Prasad Basu translated this poem in Bengali (Sanman O Siddhi ). Swami Ji had to face a lot of obstacles and pain , but by virtue of struggle he overcame all these incidents and reached the ultimate goal ,the ‘perfection’ which is the destination of a religious monks. This is the content of the poem ” ‘O’r hill and dale and mountain’. He expressed the pain and suffering of a devotees ,though it was his personal feeling. He wrote : ” Like a child in the wildest forest lost I have cried and cried alone. Where art thou gone my God my love. The echo answered gone .” Next suddenly he got calling from the eternal ‘One’ who is our almighty Mother or Father. This feelings are as follows : ” Till one day midst my cries and groans Some one seemed calling me A gentle soft and soothing Voice. That said. ” my son ,” ” my son ” .

¶¶ ” The song of the free ” (1895) and ” The song of Sannyasn ” ( 15 the July ,1895) are the beautiful poems composed by Swami Vivekananda which are undoubtedly the wealth of English literature. He was the follower of Vedanta. The great spiritual guru of India, Shankaracharya inspired him in course of his spiritual journey . He modernized it according to the time and space. And tried to connect with the life. Vedanta do not only effective in the secret of forest , it can also be effective in our daily life . Man can practice it scientifically in each and every activities of life. Without struggle you can achieve any great deed in life, or attain the goals of life . After untiring efforts and struggles the Truth can be had . The life of Sannyasin is not bed of roses . Swami Vivekananda had to face enormous troubles and pains to reach the platform of Chicago Religious conference. He wrote this poems seven days before the beginning of Parliament of Chicago. His dream was to attend the Parliament and it was going to be fulfilled. Despite all his sufferings he would have been achieved the goal which his Master , Sri Ramakrishna gave his shoulders that Naren will teach . In this poem it has been depicted . Besides , one can see God after mammoths struggling . Sorrows and sufferings are the companions of a devotee . But ultimately he will be illuminated. He will face the Truth, the eternal , infinite One “The Brahman” . The Brahman have no form , He is timeless and formless, but He is many – from Brahman to tiny insects. Again He is within us . It’s immortal. ” The cloud puts forth its deluge strength. when lightning cleaves its breast, when the soul in stirred to its inmost depth Great ones unfold their best . ” Let embrace the pain and suffering . It’s natural phenomenon in life. We have to fight against it . And after a stupendous suffering ,the the Truth reveals. ” Let eyes grow dim and heart grow faint And friendship fail and love betray , Let fate its hundred horrors send And clotted darkness block the way .” This way is tedious and full of sufferings, but gradually the faithful devotees though this course of journey must reach to Him . We then have to face to face and enlightened, illuminated. ” All natures wear one angry frown To crush you out… still know, my soul , you are divine, …..March on and on , Nor right nor left but to the goal ! ……………………………………………… The books do stop in wonder mute To tell my nature ; – I am he ! ” ‘Swo Aham’ or ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ , that means , I am Brahman! It is beyond time and space . The poet wrote : ” Before the Sun , the Moon , the Earth , Before the stars and comets free. Before e’ en time has had its birth I was, I am , and will be ! I am beyond all sense, all thought , The witness of the Universe ! “. The feelings of Shankarachriya and the feelings of Vivekananda are same . It’s the feelings of Addwaitya . God is One . …………. ” Not two or many, I’t is but one , And thus in me all ones I have , I can not hate , I can not shun My self from me – I can but love ! ”