Greens are not Safe

0 each other , A flock of sheep is coming from the field , Some sparrows came sharp and keep flying over the sky like a trembling aeroplane, Two squirrels challenging each other crossed the yard of the house quickly and embrassing  the jackfruit tree , A shoal of fishes – hunting Herons sooping down to have fish for their lunch, Some of them waiting in despair on the bank of the pond like the idle native senior folks  not having any hunt , and The pigeons are cooing perhaps for any conspiration , Don’t know for what purpose .

The rows of the orange tree gardens are beside the street where oranges are glittering with full of juice heading down to the earth to sacrifice its energy for the mankind , Till not dropped down on the plane , Perhaps they’re waiting for dripping, The Papaya trees stand there in a same manner, The mango trees still standing at their own place , As if maintaining the silence , unheard of the yellow sounds of Summer. Indian nightingale, Bau- Katha – Kao playing together And Their round spotted  decorative rears making a uniform sounds out of its different sounds , And on the trunks of the trees are kept a full plate of black mashrums , Besides , some refugees are making their rooms for living a peaceful life.

We don’t know why some business man whispering each other , And marking a field with their scale and map , Perhaps this green field gives birth to a big Mansion in the future. All the fields will no longer there to roam and play for the native children and the seniors . Save the green please.

Bengali Version:

হারিয়ে যেও না সবুজ

একদল চড়ুই পাখি মেহেন্দির ঝোঁপ থেকে উড়ে গেল আকাশে , প্রারম্ভিক যাত্রা কালে কম্পমান আকাশযানের মতো জড়তা নিয়ে – , দুটো কাঠবিড়ালী একে অপরকে ধেয়ে চলে তড়িৎবেগে ওই প্রাচীন কাঁঠাল গাছের বিশালকার গুঁড়িটার দিকে বিদ্যুৎবেগে, সম্ভবত কিছু খাবারের সন্ধানে । মাছ খেকো বকগুলো বিমর্ষ হয়ে অপেক্ষমান বড় পুকুর পাড়ে একই উদ্দেশ্যে , ঠিক যেন অপেক্ষমান গ্রাম্য বুড়োর দল বন্ধুদের সাহচর্য পাওয়ার আশায় । আর কবুতরের দল নিস্তব্ধতার বুকের উপর যেন হাতুড়ি মেরে সজাগ করে দেয় পরিবেশকে ।

পাহাড়ি রাস্তার দুদিকে সারিবদ্ধ কমলা লেবুর গাছগুলো রাশি রাশি কমলা তার পরিপূর্ণ সুগন্ধি সুবাস নিয়ে বৃন্তকে জড়িয়ে ধরে , ঘাড় উঁচিয়ে মাথা নিচু করে ঝুলে রয়েছে তাদের শরীরের যৌবন উদ্ভাস নিয়ে, এখনও বৃন্ত চ্যুত হয়নি তারা , – হয়তো হবে এমন ভাবনায় অপেক্ষমান । পেঁপে গাছগুলো একই রকম ভাবে পরপর দাঁড়িয়ে । মূক নীরবতা পালন করছে আম গাছগুলো কালের সাক্ষী হয়ে । হয়তো কয়েক পুরুষের সাক্ষী এরা । গ্রীষ্মের হলুদ চাদরে ঢাকা আদিগন্ত, বউ – কথা – কও পাখিরা রঙ বদলের খেলায় মেতেছে, লাল টিপ মোড়া রঙ বাহারি লেজের স্পন্দনে হাজার শব্দের সুর মিলিত হয়ে ঐক্য তান রণিত হচ্ছে, আর গাছের গুঁড়ির উপর এক প্লেট কালো মাশরুম উঁকি দিচ্ছে , যে রাস্তা দিয়ে সবুজ ফড়িংগুলো ভ্রমণে বেড়িয়েছিল তা তাদের পরশে মখমলের মত নরম পেশমী চাদরের রূপ ধারণ করলো , আমি অবাক বিস্ময়ে হতবাক হয়ে গেলাম ‌। এছাড়া ছড়িয়ে ছিল দুর্মর কঠিন শুকনো বিবর্ণ খসে যাওয়া শামুকের আভরণ , যার উপর দাঁড়িয়ে নিচু স্বরে কথা বলছিল কিছু সন্দিগ্ধ মানুষ । বস্তুত , আমি বিশ্বাস রাখতেই পারি ওই কাকগুলো কিম্বা চতুর ইঁদুর গুলোর উপর , কেননা লোভী মানুষ মাপজোক করছে সবুজের এ প্রান্ত থেকে ও প্রান্ত ব্লু প্রিন্টের উপর চোখ রেখে ।।


Art is the source of beauty when it comes from the deep of heart . Art is always a great expression of a man or woman to whom we named as an Artist. Here I will produce before you some beautiful works which are done by my daughter Sumedha.


Very sensitive you are , When you touch me I become perplexed , when you stealthily come to me and stand behind the door , I feel your fragrance Which makes me dumb , Your curling hairs hug me intemately , But I can’t hold you on my stretching hand , I feel you are very near to me , But very sensitive you’re . I feel your fragrance, but far from you for ever.

You come to me in disguise of storms , At the dead of night , I decorate my tiny house with the colourful flowers , With new clothes I am dressed , Spreading the precious Scent over my dresses , I wait for a long time to welcome you , But you come to me in disguise of storms . I feel your fragrance, And your curling hairs hugging me , But for away from you for ever .



Sumedha Rudra is pursuing M.Sc in Food and Nutrition. Besides Learning, Singing, Drawing are her hobbies.


Swami Vivekananda at Thousand Island Park, Taken at Lamson & Van Camp Studios, T.I.P.
Vivekananda at Thousand Island Park
The auspicious place where Swamiji got Nirvikalposamadhi
Columbian Hotel at Thousand Island Park
Students are taught to see God in everything
Vivekananda Cottage ( Dutcher’s House) at Thousand Island Park

” All are but parts of one stupendous whole,/ Whose body Nature is, and God the Soul.” – Alexander Pope

World Teacher Swami Vivekananda is still a vibrant personality and admirable divine soul to the people of East and West . He is sometimes compared with Buddha, a great incarnation of God. In his book Travel and Talk , published in 1896, the Rev. Mr. Haweis gives an account of the Parliament and makes particular mention of ” the popular Hindu Monk ” , even wrote about Swamiji’s physiognomy which has been reproduced by Swami Yogeshananda in Vedanta for East and West , I will quote here a sentence or two from it :

” Vivekananda, the popular Hindu Monk , whose physiognomy bore the most striking resemblance to the classic face of the Buddha, denounced our commercial prosperity,our bloody wars, and our religious inconsistency, declaring that at such a price the “mild Hindu” would have none of our vaunted civilization….. I consider that Vivekananda’s personality was one of the most impressive, and his speech one of the most eloquent speeches which dignified the great Congress.

However, we are going to discuss about Swamiji’s teaching to his Western students at Thousand Island Park in America. He was then in fully spiritual mood . His only work was reading, teaching and meditation. In Dutcher’s little house they were almost eleven students and with them their spiritual Guru ,Swami Vivekananda. We came to know from Ruth Ellis that they were 10 or even 12 persons . Presumably she was including Swamiji in this count . From morning to night they lived in a spiritual atmosphere. Miss Waldo wrote: ” It was a perpetual inspiration to live with a man like Swami Vivekananda. From morning to night it was ever the same, we lived in a constant atmosphere of intense spirituality.”

Though Swami Vivekananda was junior to them, only Christine was younger disciple of Swami, but he always took position of a Father. Swamiji’s conversation – his humor , his vivid story – telling, his recollection of his life in India, his flow of ideas on all subjects – was invariably entertaining, instructive, and uplifting all at once .

Swami Vivekananda taught his students in the morning and evening, sitting on a chair amidst them like an ancient Hindu monk. Even, while walking through the hilly forest he used to converse with his students. To the students, it was favourite walk behind the cottage down a hill and then a rustic path to the river. Sometimes they stopped several times, Mrs. Funke wrote to her friend, ” and sit around on the grass and listen to Swami’s talks. A bird , a flower, a butterfly will start him off and he will tell us stories from the Vedas or recite Indian poetry “.

Today, when we think that Swamiji is walking with some students and speaking about the nature and the Vedas or reciting poetry, this was a great opportunity to the 11 Western desciples and how they were lucky enough that a man like Buddha or Christ had spent lots of time with them.

Surely to walk or sit under the trees with Swamiji , to see through his eyes the sun – splashed paths , the massive grey and pink boulders with mottled with silver – green lichen, the wide river – to see this loveliness as he saw it , if only for a brief moment, was surely to have one’s mind washed clear of all cluttering thought and to taste something of the freedom in which he lived. Obviously they are taught to see God in everything – from the blade of grass to man – even in the diabolical man .

About Good and Bad in reality, his teaching was reasonable and philosophical. He was never a sentimental view of natural beauty or the world. Of this , Sister Christine wrote: Did you in your immature enthusiasm see the world as beautiful, and believe in the reality of good and the unreality of evil ? He was not long in destroying all your fine illusions. “If good is real , so is evil .” Both are different aspects of the same thing . Both good and evil are in Maya. Do not hide your head in the sand and say , ” All is good, there is no evil.” Worship the terrible even as now you worship the good. Then get beyond both… Terrible in its sternness was this teaching . But soon there came glimpses of something beyond, an unchanging reality.

Swamiji’s presence was in itself a breaking of bondage , but he delivered palpable shocks for good measure, deliberately cutting through ingrained and concealed obstructions to spiritual freedom.

Swami Vivekananda, as the world Teacher, gave space and liberty to his students during take any decision. ” If you were old or weak or helpless, I should help you . But you are quite able to jump across this brook or climb this path without help . You are as able as I am. He might seem women to be a sexless Self, or Soul , not another sex . Every woman was to him , a manifestation in one form or another of the Divine Mother !

Swami Vivekananda, as a teacher, never solved any problem of his students. Principles he laid down, but students must find the application. He encouraged no spineless dependence upon him in any form, no bid for sympathy. ” Stand upon your own feet. You have the power within you!” – he thundered. His whole purpose was – not to make things easy for us , but to teach them how to develop their innate strength. He emphasised to : ” Strength! Strength! He preached nothing but strength. That is why he preached the Upanishads.

From men he demanded manliness and viguor , and from women the corresponding quality for which there is no word. Whatever it’s, it is the opposite of self-pity , the enemy of weakness and indulgence. This attitude had had the effect of a tonic . Something long dormant was aroused and with it came strength and freedom. Swamiji always taught them the significance of and glory of renunciation . Mary Funke wrote in her memoirs:

” One afternoon when he had been telling us of the glory of renunciation, of the joy, and freedom of those of the ochre robe , he suddenly left us and in a short time he had written his ” Song of the Sannyasin “, – a very passion of sacrifice and renunciation.

There is but One – the Free , the Knower , Self !/ Without a name, without a form or stain./ In Him is Maya dreaming all this dream./ The Witness, He appears as nature, soul ./ Know thou art That, Sannyasin bold ! Say – / “Om Tat Sat , Om !”

Swamiji was always very loving to his students . And also regular to his teaching. When the students had assembled on the veranda, Swamiji would soon come from his room and sit in a big chair by his door. And then, the nights all glowing with the soft mystery of moonlight or golden starlight, would begin some of the best hours of the twenty – four. None of the students could take notes of what Swamiji said in the darkness, but only brief accounts had come down to them of those marvelously informal and varied evenings. That experience was a stupendous and long – term effects on them. Miss Waldo wrote her feelings in a line : ” None of us can ever forget the uplift, the intense spiritual life of those hallowed hours .”

Swami Vivekananda had a grand and sweet voice. In his wondrously beautiful voice, when he talked to them about spiritual life and vision, pacing up and down the short stretch of the veranda, pouring forth a perfect torrent of eloquence. That time his mind was not traveling in this reality, – his mind soaring to greater and greater heights as the hours passed.

In fact, This great teacher was ever loving, gentle father during these days with his students at Thousand Island Park. He trained and taught his Western disciples about Vedanta, Upanishads and other Indian holy scriptures. The students would meditate for a time with him. Almost all of them were to spell – bound during Swamiji’s teaching . But they could have been expressed their own feelings .

Swamiji stayed at Miss Dutcher’s cottage until the night of August 6. He held his class on that morning as usual and explained about with Cristal clarity and simplicity born of direct experience the place of the Personal God in man’s spiritual journey to the realization of his own Being. God is as real as the journey – no more, no less.


The greatest friend of truth is Time, her greatest enemy is Prejudice, and her constant companion is Humility.” – C C Colton


We think that ours journey towards life are straight, And trouble – free , Not a single stuff and clumsiness might not hinder us from our Fest . But Is it true ? This is a question of general mob who has no backing of power like chief minister’s nephew .

It’s not life where you never you face any deep forest of clouds in your path? Or a dreadful night! Life is a playing field where we play a short term game , May be you have succeeded by your skilled, or not !

Perhaps I couldn’t , but trying utmost in this short span of life, having lost or gain, no shy . If you start your journey towards light , have to cross so many red and black seas , forests and peaks of the mountains , Even long long desert – may it be , “Gobi Sahara”or run of Cocch, the endless desert.

you have to cross a long way to achieve the immortal vibrant light of Gods . May it be a play or Lila? We ought to not what it is ? But each and everyone must play on in Winter or in the dark rainy night with”Him” , Never become wearied and exhausted in this race , As it’s your life’s play.

I have put you in my heart with gourding and fencing, None can reach there except my beloved , No one can able to snatch you from my deep and sensational eyes And heart as I see you in my inner eye like a torch light , When I finished my all fight through the path of dreadful night.

You have gifted me all your love and light , day and night I never miss you as you and me are one . You are my unknown world, silent night , the star of the night and the Sun of the day .

you are my melodies and hymn . I used to draw your picture since time immemorial , you walk through my path in sorrows and Joy , I am wrapped in you , so never fall from the Sky.

আমার এ পথ গেছে বেঁকে তোমার পানে

ক্ষুদ্র এ জীবন , অনিশ্চিত যাত্রা পথ হেসে খেলে ভালবেসে ভরে নাও প্রাণ , হার জিতে হয়ো না বিবশ । গভীর অরণ্য মাঝে শ্বাপদ – সঙ্কুল পথে দিতে হবে পাড়ি, অদম্য শক্তি ও লক্ষ্য পথে অবিচল থেকে যাত্রা কর মুক্তির স্বর্গ – মায়াময় অমরাবতী । শুরু হবে সে খেলা তোমাতে আমাতে , বরষার দিন কিম্বা রৌদ্র-স্নাত শুচি শুভ্র অলস বেলাতে। চোখ মেলে চাও আকাশের পানে , রঙ তুলি দিয়ে কি আঁকো মনেতে ! জীবন যুদ্ধে হয়ো না বিবশ। দিতে হবে পাড়ি ওই দূরে দেখ অমরাবতী ।

আমি তোমার হৃদয় তুলিয়া নিয়েছি আপন করে, দিবস রজনী প্রাণপনে বাঁধি তোমার হৃদয় আমার হৃদয়ে ,নীরবে কাটায় রাতের আঁধারে , বাঁধভাঙা আলো বারবার সাধি , তুমি তোমার হৃদয় তুলিয়া দিয়েছ উজাড় করে । রাত্রি ভোরে।

তুমিই আমার অজানা পৃথিবী নীরব রাতি , রাতের তারা দিনের রবি , বহুকাল ধরে এঁকেছি আমি তোমার ছবি , নয়ন রেখে আমার পানে – পথ হেঁটে যাও গন্ধে ও গানে , চিরকাল তুমি মোর বুকে রবে ও দরদি সাথি ।।

এখানেই আছে স্বর্গ নরক – নহে নহে বহুদূর , ঘুমে জাগরণে অথবা স্বপনে হেসে খেলে যাও পিছে নাহি চাও , দুখে আর সুখে জীবনে মরণে , পাখি হয়ে ওড়ো আকাশে বাতাসে, জোর করে লও প্রাণ মন ভরে হৃদয় সুখ , বাজাও বাঁশরি নিশীথ রাত্রি সময় হয়েছে আলোর যাত্রী – ওই শোনা যায় রিমঝিম সুরে পায়ের নূপুর ।।

সময়ের বুকে ভেসে বেড়ায়

এসো , এসো, চলে এসো আমার পাশে, এই নদীর বুকের উপর ভেসে ভেসে পৌঁছে যাব মহাসঙগমের পথে ! জীবনের যত ক্লান্তি , দুঃখ সুখ – সবকিছু অকাতরে বিসর্জন দিয়ে, হিসাব নিকাশ চুকিয়ে ভেসে যাব কালের সাক্ষী হয়ে অন্যতর মহাজীবনের পাড়ে । এসো, এসো , চলে এসো আমার পাশে, নদীর বুকের উপর ভেসে ভেসে পৌঁছে যাব মহাসঙগমের পথে, চিরতরে।।

ভালবাস , কিম্বা,  নিছক অভিমানে দূরে সরে যাও , রাগে অভিমানে স্তব্ধ হয়ে দাঁড়িয়ে থাক দূর পাহাড়ের বাঁকে , সময় তোমার আমার পাশে আসিবে না চিরকাল , চিরকাল আলো হাতে  আসিবে না চন্দ্র সূর্য ।যদি পেতে চাও শান্তি সুখ , অপার আনন্দ , তবে বরন করিয়া নাও দুখ। এসো, এসো, চলে এসো আমার পাশে, নদীর বুকের উপর ভেসে ভেসে পৌঁছে যাব মহাসঙগমের পথে, চিরতরে ‌।

সময়ের সাথে হেঁটে হেঁটে পৌঁছে যাব মহাসঙগমের পথে ,চিরতরে, পিতামহ প্রপিতামহ যে পথে গেছে । সময়ের অনিবার্য হাতছানি কে এড়াতে পারে ! কিম্বা ভালবাসা, সন্তান সুখ, সহৃদয় বন্ধুদের অন্তরঙ্গ যৌবন উদ্ভাস – আজীবন পাইবে না চিরকাল কোনোকিছু , অর্থ বিত্ত বৈভব , মানসম্মান , প্রেমের নির্যাস । কোনো কিছু চিরকাল রহিবে না এক,  রহিবে না অম্লান প্রয়সীর মুখ ।       এসো এসো চলে এসো আমার পাশে, নদীর বুকের উপর ভেসে ভেসে পৌঁছে যাব মহাসঙগমের পথে, চিরতরে ।।

শহরের পথগুলো ডানে বামে এঁকে বেঁকে নিয়ে যায় রাজপথে , কিম্বা বাঁকানো চাঁদ পূর্ণিমা রাতে আস্ত‌ রূপোলি থালার মত দূর্লভ রূপ নিয়ে সেজে ওঠে রাজকন্যার মতো, তিলোত্তমা হয়ে দাঁড়াবে তোমার পাশে , নিঃশঙ্কোচে পান কর সুধা , অনন্ত প্রেম বুকে নিয়ে জড়িয়ে ধরো। চলে এসো, এসো চলে নক্খত্রের পাশে যদি চাও স্বর্গ সুখ , এসো এসো চলে এসো আমার পাশে, নদীর বুকের উপর ভেসে ভেসে পৌঁছে যাবো মহাসঙগমের পথে, চিরতরে ।।

The Gospel of Swami Vivekananda


Freedom Is The Goal Of The Universe”.

“Denial of the will to live, knowledge,and same sightedness is the trinity of liberation”.

The World Teacher

Inspired Talks” is a bunch of talks while Swami Vivekananda , the great World Teacher taught his 12(-1 may be less according to Marie Louise Burke) Western  desciples or students by his spiritual advice at Miss Dutcher’s cottage in Thousand Island Park of America . It was in 1895 . Swamiji got invitation from Miss Dutcher to visit there for some times for summer retreat. He had accepted her invitation to get little rest from the busiest scheduled of lectures in America. In this connection Swami Vivekananda wrote a letter to Mrs. Ole Bull:

… I cannot go to Greenacre now; I have arranged to go to the Thousand Island, wherever that may be. There is a cottage belonging to Miss Dutcher, one of my students, and a few of us will be there in rest and peace and seclusion. I want to manufacture a few “Yogis” out of the materials of the classes, and a busy farm [fair] like Greenacre is the last place for that, while the other is quite out of the way, and none of the curiosity – seekers will dare go there “.(April 25, 1895).

Ready to Welcome Swami Vivekananda

On June 18 , 1895 , Vivekananda left the White Mountains of New Hampshire by train for Thousand Island Park which is about 200 miles to the west , where some of his students awaited him. Every thing at the Park had , it would seem, been ready for his coming. – wrote Marie Louise Burke in his book ” New Discoveries”. Everything was refurbished from Dock to electric lights of the park to Tabernacle, even the steamer St. Lawrence had been newly cleaned, painted , brightly lighted refurbished community to which Swami Vivekananda reached at. Miss Dutcher ( Mary Elizabeth Dutcher) along with 2/3 other desciples already reached at the Dock to greet him and to escort him. Miss Dutcher had little three stories building , but for Swamiji’s comfort and privacy she made arrangements to add a wing to the cottage. The three – stories addition housed a guest room on the lowest floor, a class room on the first floor, and the Swamiji’s room on the top floor which opened on to a porch with a magnificent view of the river. “Welcome Vivekananda” read the banner that greeted SWAMI as he entered the Cottage for the beginning of a remarkable seven weeks.


In brief, Thousand Island Park is a small village located on Wellesley Island in a remote area about 360 miles from New York city, on the St. Lawrence River, near the Canadian border. The Park was only 20 years old in 1895, yet it had already attracted enough to form a community of 600 cottages. Its several thousand summer residents supported a program of recreation for both mind and body, attracted celebrated preachers and speakers as prominent as Susan B. Anthony and Federick Douglas. Through the eyes of Swamiji the natural beauty of the place was very beautiful and charming. In short, by the 1890s, Thousand Island Park was a summer resort par excellence. It has been changed or transformed from a remote wilderness to popular resort – land where people of various taste used to visit for some days enjoying with their relatives and friends , or spending their times in playing, dancing, went boating and so on and otherwise enjoyed themselves. By 1895, this Island as a whole drew thousands of excursionists every day. It’s 800 acres in area , 100 acres of which were plotted for cottage lots. There are small and large cottages about 600 and over and in addition to the hotel, there are at least a dozen rooming houses . Swamiji wrote in early July : ” It is a very beautiful spot, but I am afraid it becomes too crowded during the season.”( Complete Works, 5:89).

From Marie Louise Burke, we came to know that the Thousand Island Park would , indeed , scarcely seem the place for a summer retreat. But most of the cottages lay jam – packed between the river and the base of Sunrise Mountain; whereas Miss Dutcher’s little house, perched alone a short way up the hill was quite and relatively secluded.

Thousand Island Park

Swami Vivekananda and His Inspiring Talks

As “Sree Ramkrishna Kathamrita” is the devine talks of great spiritual Master , Sree Ramkrishna , just as ” Inspired Talks” is by his dearest disciple Swami Vivekananda . Sri ‘M’ ( Mahendra Nath Gupta) had taken notes of the devine talks of Sree Ramkrishna and it was published later from Kathamato Bhawan, like him , Miss Waldo , devotee of Swami Vivekananda took notes when he talked to them about ancient Hindu scriptures , Patanjali’s  Yogasutra , The Srimad Bhagwat Gita , Vedanta Religion , The Avadhuta Gita, the Brihadaranyaka and Katha Upanishads, Bhoktiyoga . There were discussions, also of Buddha, Christ, free will, the art of teaching, the need for chastity, the theory of Raja Yoga , the practice of Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga and so on.

On the morning of July 6 , Vivekananda went through the entire text of Shankara’s introduction to his commentary, in which is discussed the subject of adhyasa , on this same morning of July 6, he also narrated Shankara’s commentary on the first and second aphorisms of Brahma Sutras, bringing out the silent points from the midst of long and weighty arguments and expositions , which tend to confound the Western desciples. Swamiji began discussion of the Vedanta Sutras on July 6. On July 10 he took up the commentary on the third aphorisms, on July 12 and 16 that on the fourth aphorisms and July 18, on the fifth aphorisms of Brahma Sutras.

Swamiji seems to have begun his discussion of Ramanuja’s philosophy on July 7, Sunday morning , and  he quoted from Ramanuja’s Shri Bhashya on that afternoon . As for the Bhashya of Madhvacharya, he didn’t linger with it. “Madhava is a thoroughgoing dualist or dvaitist” – he said. He hardly quoted from the Puranas.He said that Brahman means Vishnu, not Shiva at all. ” Because there is no salvation except through Vishnu…. There is no place for reasoning in Madhava’s explanation, it’s all taken from the revelation in the Vedas.” ( Complete Works, 7:37)

It was the Bhashyas of Shankara and Ramanuja that made Swamiji’s attention from July 6 to July 19. Throughout these classes he not only quoted from the commentaries but gave his own harmonizing views. He mainly emphasized on the basis of Advaita that the dualistic religions, from the most crude to the most rarefied, had validity. Ultimately, it led to the highest realization of all – that of the identity of the unveiled soul with the Self or Brahman .

In Thousand Island Park he was very regular to take his classes in this subject , explaining again and again the place of dualistic religions in relation to Advaita Vedanta, the meaning of the Personal God in relation to the Absolute Brahman.

He said on July 19, ” So long as I say ” you ” I have the right to speak of God protecting us . When I see another, I must take all the consequences and put in the third, the ideal, which stands between us; that is the apex of the triangle…. The idea of creation or change is inseparably connected with will. So long as we perceive this world in motion , we have to conceive will behind it …. From our present standpoint, this world appears to us as will and consciousnes. Personal God is as much an entity for Himself as we are for ourselves, and no more.” ( Waldo,  loc. cit, P- 12) . Some days later he told: ” Separating ourselves from the Absolute and attributing certain qualities to It gives us Isvara . It is the Reality of the Universe as seen through our mind” . (CW -7:67)

A week later :

” Man does not manufacture God out of his own brain; but he can only see God in the light of his own capacity, and he attributes to Him the best of all he knows. Each attribute is the whole of God, and this signifying the whole by one quality is the metaphysical explanation of the Personal God. Isvara is without form yet has all forms, is without qualities yet has all qualities. As human beings, we have to see the trinity of existence – God, man, nature; and we can not do otherwise. ( CW -7:82)

To be continued